Soul Talk with Animals
SoulTalk is about the deeper conversations that touch our lives when we live with animals. It’s about giving animals a voice as whole beings, with their own opinions, personal expression and great wisdom.
In this course, we explore the felt spaces between us - the dynamic space of relationship and shared energy fields. This course is an adventure in consciousness, discovering what’s really being said between the lines of our physical relating and in those quiet moments of communion. It’s about how we do life together and grow as soulful companions.
This course has 3 classes with guided practices and meditations. Each class is 1.5hrs.
Class topics:
· personality, roles and purpose
· shared energy fields and the gifts in mirroring
· soulful messages, guidance and guardianship
Working with SoulTalk can change behaviour, health and home dynamics in many ways as the animals feel truly heard, seen and respected.